My First Blog

First to set up a blog

Posted by Fontaine Guo on November 23, 2016   1 minute read ∼ Tagged with  :   •  ∼ Filed in  : 

This is my first time to set up a personal blog, this blog is powered by jekyll, and it’s really easy to use for me who is never learn anything about the web.

Why set up a personal blog?

After I got my EE bachelor from Hunan University, I joined a game studio and don’t work in EE field. After months hard work, I found creating games are really a work which contact with many field like computer science, painting, music, etc. So I set up this blog to share what I learn from game dev and to communicate with other game developers.

Oh, forget to tell everybody, I’m trying to be tech artist, if you have interesting in the field too, you can contact me to the e-mail

Fontaine_gzy # 163 Dot com.

P.S use @ to switch #, and , to switch Dot, I write address like this just to keep trash senders out.

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